Reference Form

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the form below.

The applicant has applied for a position as a staff member for the Teen Mission to Israel. The Teen Mission is a summer program for high school age children traveling throughout Israel. Your critical appraisal and confidential evaluation of this person will be of great help in selecting our staff.

It is important for the leaders of this trip to be of high ideals, possess integrity, get along well with others, and demonstrate a willingness to do more than their share.

We would appreciate your providing confidential information about the applicant. On a number of occasions we find it necessary to hire on the basis of information supplied by references and statements made by the applicant. Therefore, we hope you will be quite frank, candid, and objective so that we may avoid mistakes that could result in a serious inconvenience for us and perhaps termination for the employee.

Thank you for your response and assistance.

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